【活動與演講】English Cafe 宣傳

【活動與演講】English Cafe 宣傳
萬眾矚目的English Café 開張了!!!
本學期依然是由和藹的英籍老師Mr. Tony帶著大家聊聊天、輕輕鬆鬆學英語~
另外每場English Café名額只有20名,名額有限,請手刀報名!我們在English Café 等你。
*教育學院EMI資源中心保留調整English Café活動辦法之權利。
Eenglish Café 開張時間:
Mondays 12:45 - 13:45 @ 教育一館302教室
Tuesdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ 田徑場 110教室
Thursdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ 教育一館302教室
按此手刀報名: https://reurl.cc/V1YVQY
Hi everyone, the English Café for this semester is opened!!!
In this semester, Mr. Tony, our heart-warming and always-with-a-smile British Professor will still take charge on this activity.
In English Café, Mr. Tony will be guiding you to speak English, easy come, easy go, no need of pressure, and the only thing you need is the willingness of speaking English!
No pressure, no charge, no preview, no review, only the willingness of leaning. Com'on, Rome wasn't built in a day, and Babylon started from sands, trust me, you'll be getting better and better!
**NOTE: limited capacity, so only 20 people are available for each segment, and should it exceed, students from Education College will be prioritized.**
EMI Resource Center of College of Education, CCU Reserves the Rights of Adjusting the Regulations of English Café.
English Café Opening Time:
Mondays 12:45 - 13:45 @ College of Education R302
Tuesdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ Treadmill R110
Thursdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ College of Education R302
(**English Café will not be opening on the week before midterms and finals**)
Click here to Register! https://reurl.cc/V1YVQY