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108 Semester regulation

Graduate Bulletin 2019-2020

Minimum Coursework for the Master’s Degree: 30 Credit Hours

Required Courses: 8 Credit Hours


Research methods in health, physical education and recreation


Selected application of statistical methods


Sports & leisure information technology study


Seminar: contemporary issues in sports & leisure studies


(One credits in each semester)

Elective courses 40 credits

Sport science categories


Sport science categories


Psychology of sports & leisure


Leisure activity and health promotion


Motor learning and development


Therapeutic recreation


Research method in psychology of physical activity


Seminar:sport pedagogy


Applied sport psychology


Qualitative Research Methods in Physical Education


Sport Counseling


Sport Management and Industry Innovation


Special topics in exercise physiology


Sport marketing and Creativity


Special topics in sport skills


Consumer behavior in sport and leisure industry


Special topics in sport training


Advanced Physical Education in School


Special topics in physical fitness


Advanced Statistics


Leisure and aging



Academic Research Ethics Courses


1.In addition to the master thesis, students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours for the Master’s Degree.

2.Students with non-sport-related bachelor degree must complete 4 credit hours of elective sport technique courses of Department of Athletic Sports in addition to the 8 required credit hours.

3.Students must complete 8 credit hours in required courses, 12 credits hours in concentration category elective courses, and 4 credit hours in the other category elective courses.

4.With permission from the thesis advisor, Master’s students can take a maximum of 6 credit hours offered by other universities. These must be the courses which were not offered by DAS prior to the students’ application, and the credit waiver and transference must be confirmed by DAS Curriculum Committee.

5.Master’s students must take a minimum of 6 course hours in both semesters of the first year, and 2 course hours in the first semester of the second year.

6.Students with different learning backgrounds and fields should study the relevant subjects with the consent of the thesis advisor.

7.Students must complete the Master’s degree within 1-4 years. The in-service students must complete within 1-5 years.

8.Students who have completed the relevant courses before enrollment may apply for credit waiver and transference, but limited to 8 credits. Pre-graduate students can waive up to 20 credits. The credit waiver and transference application must be completed in once and one week before the registration deadline of the first enrollment semester (subject to the school calendar). Credit waiver and transference of normal programs must be completed in once and one week before the registration deadline of the semester in which the student was selected or approved for the normal program (subject to the school calendar).  If the course was not offered when the student was applying for credit waiving, and the waving cannot be completed, a second application is granted.

9.Those who would like to pursue elementary and secondary teacher certification may apply for the normal program, see the detail of  “Rules of Practice for Teacher Education Program at National Chung Cheng University”

10.Before conducting a thesis, students must submit a thesis proposal and get the approvals of at least three thesis committee members.

11.Students must complete one of the following before graduation: (1) one oral presentation in sport or leisure academic conference; (2) publishing one article in peer-reviewed journal; and (3) two poster presentations in sport or leisure academic conference. All students, except the conjoint degree students, must attend the seminar course.

12.According to the "Implementation Points of NCCU Graduate Academic Ethics Education", students should visit the "Taiwan Academic Ethics Education Resource Center (http://ethics.nctu.edu.tw/)", finish the online course and pass the test before applying for the degree exam.

13.According to the resolution of the 122nd Academic Affairs Conference on November 12, 107, since the second semester of the 107th school year, students have to provide " the thesis originality comparison results which has been confirm and signed by the thesis advisor" to complete the Master’s degree.

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